
3 days free streaming of « Depth of Light » in Japan 

Category :  Broadcasts
22 (Tue) Sep 2020

Naoki Sakata participated as the composer in the spectacle « Depth of Light » without audience with Madoka Fukami, pianiste and Makoto Ofune, artiste. The movie of spectacle is released on Vimeo as free streaming for audiences in Japan. Today’s streaming is 20:15 -23:15 (Japan time ) on Youtube.

« Depth of Light » Special Web Site

[photo credit]
© Yoshiyuki Sakuragi, from “Depth of Light” movie
© Mari Tanabe, photos  

Depth of L« Depth of Light Art » × Piano × Contemporary Music

Location : Rohm Theater Kyoto < Main Hall >
Stage (without audience) :
August 31, 2020

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