
from 2 (Tue) Feb 2021
Streaming of « Spores II » 
The movie of « Spores II » is released on Youtube.
from 1 (Mon) Feb 2021
Streaming of « Spores III » 
Naoki Sakata composed « Spores III » for 4 players for the project of "Figures, Création en vignettes" by Ensemble Cairn. This performance movie is released on Vimeo.

from 20 (Fri) Nov 2020
Streaming of « Spores II » 
Ensemble Festival 2020 is held in Leipzig. The performance of «Spores II» is delivered at the online concert "Digital Concert Ensemble NOMAD" from November 20th. Streaming will take place on the Vimeo page below from 19:30 local time (GMT + 01:00). It is possible to rent for a certain period, please check it!
from 24 (Sat) Oct 2020
Broadcast of « Depth of Light » by Radio France
Madoka Fukami will play « Depth of Light » for piano solo at Théâtre de l'Alliance Française in Paris. This concert will be recorded and broadcasted on the program “Générations France Musique, le Live [Geoffroy Couteau & Raphaël Perraud | Raquel Camarinha & Yoan Héreau | Axelle Fanyo & le Trio Morgen | Madoka Fukami | Alexander Boldachev]” by the France music.
27 (Sun) Sep 2020 - 31 (Sat) Oct 2020
Streaming of « Depth of Light » on Vimeo 
Naoki Sakata participated as the composer in the spectacle « Depth of Light » without audience with Madoka Fukami, pianiste and Makoto Ofune, artiste. From 27/9 to 31/10/2020, This movie is released on Vimeo for audiences in Japan.
22 (Tue) Sep 2020
3 days free streaming of « Depth of Light » in Japan 
Naoki Sakata participated as the composer in the spectacle « Depth of Light » without audience with Madoka Fukami, pianiste and Makoto Ofune, artiste. The movie of spectacle is released on Vimeo as free streaming for audiences in Japan. Today’s streaming is 20:15 -23:15 (Japan time ) on Youtube.
21 (Tue) Sep 2020
3 days free streaming of « Depth of Light » in Japan 
Naoki Sakata participated as the composer in the spectacle « Depth of Light » without audience with Madoka Fukami, pianiste and Makoto Ofune, artiste. The movie of spectacle is released on Vimeo as free streaming for audiences in Japan. Today’s streaming is 20:15 -23:15 (Japan time ) on Youtube.
Sep 2020 - Oct 2020
Streaming of new work « Depth of Light » for piano solo 
Naoki Sakata participated as the composer in the spectacle « Depth of Light » without audience with Madoka Fukami, pianiste and Makoto Ofune, artiste. The movie of spectacle will be released soon.
23 (Sun) Dec 2018
Broadcast of « Paysages Entrelacés »
"Gendai No Ongaku" on NHK-FM broadcasted the performance of « Paysages Entrelacés » at the 28th Competition of Yasushi Akutagawa Suntory Award for Music Composition.
27 (Sat) Oct 2018 23:00
Broadcast of « Puiser le reflet de la lune » on France Culture
France Culture broadcasted « Puiser le reflet de la lune » for clarinet and piano in "Une vie d'artiste".
23 (Sun) Jul 2017
Broadcast of « Paysages Entrelacés » on NHK-FM
"Gendai no Ongaku" of NHK-FM's program broadcasted the performance of « Paysages Entrelacés » for orchestra at the Toru Takemitsu Composition Competition Final Concert.
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